Friday, October 26, 2007

I had every intention of going to my lesson today. I put Angus in the car, watched the clock, and made appropriate logistical calculations. At the last minute, Handsome Husband decided his foot was too sore to take Small Son to the Halloween Party, for which Small Son had planned his Dr. Who costume down to the last button. Small Son did not feel comfortable going alone, as Dad wanted him to. Daughter #1 was not back from work yet. Small Daughter-- I'm going to change her title to Daughter #3, because she's NOT small -- could not be prevailed upon to go with her brother. Logistical Plan A, of Daughter #1 taking me to my lesson then going back and taking Small Son to the party, would mean that both Small Son and I missed half of our activity. My lip was bruised and swollen, and I was already exhausted, so I walked around the motley collection of pirates, southern belles, spidermen, supermen, ghouls, Disney characters, and pumpkins with Small Son while he collected enough tickets to pay for the pumpkin game, and then we walked home. Once home, it was necessary to go get milk for breakfast next morning, and finish the washing-up.

I did NOT practice. T-minus 5 days and counting.

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